

Show status bar

Use this setting to switch the status bar visibility on and off.

Show coordinates

Use this setting to display the current coordinates in the status bar. In the Deep zoom mode, only approximate coordinates will be displayed.

Show grid

Use this setting to display a grid that helps center the image.

Scrollbar orientation

Use this setting to set the scrollbar orientation.

You may choose from the following options: shorter device's edge, longer device's edge, always horizontal, always vertical.

When the device is used in landscape orientation, the app displays horizontal (or longer edge) scrollbar on the bottom and the buttons are moved to the side.

Hide scrollbar menu button

Use this setting to hide the scrollbar menu button and show the menu only by swiping from the side of the screen.

This doesn't work when the scrollbar is displayed at the top, or collides with the camera cutout, or emulated navigation buttons.

Left-handed layout

Use this setting to display vertical scrollbar on the left instead on the right. This also applies to the buttons moved to side when the scrollbar is on the bottom.

Scrollbar menu sections always expanded

Keep all the scrollbar menu sections always expanded, just like it was before the 3.4 update.

Advanced mode

Use this setting to switch the Advanced mode on and off.

Hide preview OK button

Use this setting to hide the OK button on the Advanced image control screen. You may simply tap the preview to confirm your changes, so this button is not necessary.

Small tags in the palette editor

Use this setting to reduce the height of the color tags in the Palette editor.


Smooth movement deceleration

Use this setting to control the duration of the manual image movement deceleration (pan, zoom, rotation, and stretching). Select the "Never stop" option to make the movement continue until you stop it by tapping the screen. Disabling this feature can reduce the battery consumption.

Palette adjusting

When this setting is switched on, the app automatically adjusts the palette length and offset after a paint mode change.

See the Adjust now option description in the Paint parameters section for more information.

Reset coordinates on parameter change

When this setting is switched on, the app automatically sets default coordinates and zoom after you change the value of the fractal parameter at zoom 10 or higher.

This helps to avoid a blank image that might appear if the fractal with new parameter value will not have any details in the current coordinates and zoom. Instead, you will see the entire picture of the changed fractal.

Smart scrollbar switching

Use this setting to enable or disable the Smart scrollbar switching.

Interior stabilization

When this setting is switched on, the app automatically switches from the detail level control to the iteration limit control after you set interior paint mode.

See the Controlling iteration limit section for more details.

Back button navigates

Use this setting to customize the device's Back button action.

Admire mode

Use this setting to customize the Admire mode.


Auto-zoom speed

Use this setting to change the speed of real-time zoom videos.

You may choose a speed from x1.2s (which means that zoom is changed by 20% per second) to x6/s (really fast).

This setting is also applied to zooming-in by long-pressing the screen.

Auto guiding

When this setting is switched on, the app automatically adjusts coordinates during real-time zoom-in video to avoid areas without details. This is an experimental feature not working perfectly yet.

Touch to set center

When this setting is switched on, you may touch the screen during real-time zoom video to set the coordinates to that point.

Use the stop button to stop auto zooming.

Aim sight

When this setting is switched on, the app displays an aim sight at the screen center during real-time zoom controlled by tilting the device. It can help you to choose where to move on.

Auto-zoom on long press

When this setting is switched on, you can zoom-in the image by long pressing the screen. It was the built-in feature prior to version 3.1, but is now disabled by default.

Image rendering

Iteration limit

Use this setting to change the maximum iteration count in the Advanced mode. See the Controlling iteration limit section for details.

Interior prediction

When this setting is switched on, the app optimizes image rendering performance by guessing fractal interior pixels basing on the pixel surrounding.

This optimization may produce some inaccuracy and can be done only when interior paint mode is set to Solid (which is always true in the Simple mode except for the Lyapunov fractals). It may be useful while rendering an image with a large interior area and with a high iteration limit.

Save location in image metadata

Use this setting to save the location (including your custom content) in the image EXIF data when saving or sharing images. This allows you to open locations from images.

Include custom photos in the location data

Use this setting to include your custom photos in the location data when saving images or sharing images and links.

NOTE: this can make the resulting files much larger.

This setting is disabled by default (the default photos are used instead).

Advanced video settings

This section settings described in detail in this section of the tutorial.


Select a video encoder from those available on your device.

Color format

Select the color format of the images delivered to the video encoder.



Displays a short info about the app including the version number.

Privacy Policy

Displays the app's privacy policy.

What's new

Shows the app's change log with the changes from the latest update at the top.

Save custom content

Save your favorite locations, custom fractal types, paint modes, and palettes to a text file.

Use it to backup or to transfer content to another device.

Restore custom content

Restore favorite locations, custom fractal types, paint modes, and palettes from a saved file.

WARNING: your current custom content WILL be deleted and replaced by the file content.

Restore default settings

Restore the app's default settings. All permanently dismissed tip messages will be displayed again.

Show the intro again.

Your favorite locations and custom content WILL NOT be deleted.